Sunday, May 17, 2009

house full of wieners

I am writing this to the sound of 12 paws running through the living room. Did Jaco join a gang? No, he is the leader of a Gang!
We are dog sitting for some friends of ours... or hosting "The World's First Wiener Dog Sleep Over."

It has every thing you would expect in a sleep over... The "we miss our mom and dad" whimpering that quickly fades with the sights and sounds of new rooms to check out "sniff sniff sniff" and new toys to play with "tug tug, rip rip". This followed by eating too much junk food "bones and treats." This spells out stink in the form of buckets of vomit! So after Britt yells "OH MY GOODNESS!" over and over again from the kitchen I jump to my feet and run in, to see a dog in full stream..... from the mouth. I am not going to say what dog (all will remain innocent until proven guilty in a court of doggy law.) I will say this, Jaco was sitting on the couch looking at me like "Dude what did you want me to do?"

So after all the hype has slowed down and everyone is settling into their final place for the night, I will take a look at Britt and say... you still want to wait before trying to tackle some kids? The vote is unanimous... and we decide that trying to keep a small wiener dog off the streets and out of little dog gangs is going to serve as enough of a challenge for a while.

1 comment:

Liz said...

No dog is good enough or as good
as my granddog hee hee