Thursday, January 1, 2009


Yay! It's 2009!!!

We are back in Texas and actually happy to be back. We had a great visit, but shockingly enough we missed it here a little. We really feel like this is home now.

It was so awesome seeing everyone! I feel like it was perfect timing for us to move here and then visit home for the holidays 2 months later. It made us have something to look forward to and not get too homesick.

On the way home we had 2 rocks crack our windshield! GRRR! I have NEVER had that happen in Florida and go figure it happens here. In Florida they replace your windshield for Texas they don't. I guess that is one of the negative things about it here. We are always bragging about Texas and all, but I can't brag about that.

Last night to ring in the new years we went over to some friends house and hung out. They ordered a 3 foot pizza and we just chilled out. It was a nice laid back time.

Now that we have been home and got to see everyone since we moved here, we can't wait for people to start visiting us! Love you all!!! Good Night! XOXO


janebbooks said...

Whatley's---just talked to my auto
insurance guy who happens to be in Houston (USAA)and he says for a few dollars you can add windshield coverage.
Reason for that call, I'm headed for SC to see my sister. Lee and Janet are putting her in Hospice House Thursday. I will drive up to Lexington, SC then to Greenwood Thursday. It's the beginning of the end for my lovely sister.
Love you,
Grandmother Britt

Scott & Britt said...

Drive safe Grandmother and keep us posted. Tell my Great Aunt I love her and am praying for her. Love you too!