Friday, January 23, 2009


I AM OFF TODAY! I actually have a 4 day weekend. I don't know what I am going to do with myself! I've been working 6-7 day weeks so I finally get to make up my time. It's nice, but also stressful, because I know when I get back I will have a ton of work to catch up on.

Last night was KSBJ's Girl's Day/Night Out. It was awesome. Kate, from Jon and Kate Plus 8, the TLC tv show came and spoke and it was really nice meeting her. She is so skinny after having a set of twins and sixtuplets (or whatever it's called when you have 6 babies at one time). 

Today I slept in and it was so wonderful. Scott came home around 7 this morning after working out and went back to sleep with me. :) We woke up and had a car day. We got them oil changes and got them cleaned. Plus Scotty boy fixed my front bumper that HEEEE scratched up. It made me happy. 

Now he is out networking and trying to get a new band to wear Fig Tree and get their merchandise. I decided to stay home and clean up a little. So hear I am "cleaning up." Which means checking my mail, facebook, and writing on this. :)

Have a great weekend! I KNOW I WILL!!!!

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