Saturday, March 21, 2009

lazy Saturday

Ok so I know we haven't been blogging lately... and we apologize!

But after talking with my blog Grandmother Britt...I will start trying to blog more often.

Right now I am laying out in our backyard. It feels so nice out! It's about 77 degrees here in Humble, TX and the sun is out and bright. Meanwhile Scott is surfing and Jaco is running around in the backyard. Everytime we are out in the backyard Jaco stirs up the other dogs outside. There is a little hole in the fence that he can fit his nose through and so can our backyard neighbor's dog. So they proceed to bark at each other through the hole then run down the fence barking then go back to the hole. This happens over and over and over!

Tonight we will go to Saturday night church because we are out in the community tomorrow. KSBJ is sponsoring Tour de Houston. It is a training bike ride for the MS-150. This is a Mayor's initiative and so it has been a big deal and kept me pretty busy. Our President of KSBJ is also riding so it's even more important that things go flawless. No pressure...

Then I am a little over a week away from my family coming!!! So exciting! I can't wait to see them and show them around town. I plan on taking them to the Downtown Aquarium, shopping (for the girls), golfing (for the boys), taking them up to my work, and showing them so houses we've been looking at. :) Just them being here is going to be awesome!

Well I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Please excuse any typos as it's bright out here and I can't see the computer screen very well.

With love,
Britt and Scott

1 comment:

Liz said...

Just 5 days and we'll be there!!
I cannot wait to see you!